May we introduce you somebody? Our new self!
For sure you already noticed, that we got a new design. We improved our Homepage, that you can locate our sales, news, products and much more easier. We also hired a new employee, Freddie the Frog! Keep your Eyes open, for sure you will discover him on our new homepage.
As you can see we got a really good make-over over the last few months. Everything is different now. Everything, really? No, of course we are still your flexible and competent partner when it comes to chemistry. And we will never ever want it to change.

That’s Freddie
Birthday: 9th Februrary
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favourite Colour: Green
What he likes: swimming, rain, chemistry, cows, climbing and flys (well they are his favourite meal)
What he disklikes: cold weather, snakes and bats