HiMedia & Microbiology
HiMedia is one of the three largest media producers worldwide and distributes its products for classical and clinical microbiology, bacteriology, virology and mycology in more than 140 countries.
In addition to all classical media and supplements for the cultivation, selection and analysis of microorganisms, the product portfolio also includes a large number of special formulations for less frequented research areas (niche research). The media are offered in dehydrated form (as a powder, granulate, or in capsules) for use in a wide range of applications (including clinics, research institutes, quality control, food industry, environmental analysis, cosmetics, dairy industry, water, pharmaceutical industry). For the latter, this also includes media specified according to various pharmacopoeias (pharmacopoeia monographs).
Special features:
- The most common media formulations can be ordered as HiVeg™ variants. These media are free of animal components and are instead produced on the basis of plant hydrolysates. HiVeg™ products are environmentally friendly, resources-saving and on the same price level of the comparable animal alternatives.
Further advantages: No BSE/TSE risk, better growth and higher yields. Detailed product data regarding the application area, extraction, chemical analysis and growth tests are available. - Wherever possible, a chemically defined media formulation is also offered. These products carry the suffix HiCynth™ in the article description. Due to the defined chemical composition, HiCynth™ media show an excellent batch-to-batch consistency. Furthermore, these media bear no BSE/TSE/GMO risk. Further information on our chemically-defined media formulations is provided in the brochure 5th Generation in Microbiology Media.
MICRO? Not at all!
Because the applications and topics in the field of microbiology are so broad, please use the following drop-down elements to learn more about individual subareas and product groups.
HiMedia offers broth media (bouillon), agar media and semi-solid media in dehydrated form for the cultivation and enrichment of microorganisms. In addition to standard media (for standard organisms used in microbiological and clinical research), the product range also includes special media for the cultivation and propagation of specific microorganisms. One focus here is on media for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria.
Growth media are rich in nutrients and are used for rapid and optimal growth of the test organism. Due to the rich, mostly complex ingredients, however, they are not specific for a certain species, but provide whole groups of microorganisms with optimal growth conditions.
The rapid identification of (pathogenic) bacteria or fungi is of great importance when, for example, the source causing an infection has to be found. For analytical or diagnostic purposes (quality control, clinical microbiology, hospital diagnostics, infectiology), selective media (selective culture media) or differential media (differential culture media) are used to identify microorganisms.
Selective media are characterized by the fact that they promote the selective growth of a specific species (nutrient composition, pH value) and at the same time inhibit the growth of other microorganisms (e.g. by certain chemicals). As a result, only the target organism is able to grow and to form colonies on the culture medium.
By using differential media, on the other hand, it is possible to differentiate between several micro-organisms by means of certain parameters. Differential media are used to differentiate between contaminations or pathogens by the growth pattern, morphology or color of their colonies. This is achieved by the different metabolic activities and enzyme configurations of the various microorganisms. The test organisms carry out a specific chemical reaction with components of the medium and can thus be distinguished from one another. In case it is possible to differentiate the colonies on the basis of color reactions, a medium is referred to as chromogenic medium.
HiMedia has the largest number of chromogenic media (HiCrome™) worldwide. Visual differentiation is a simple, fast and – due to the large amount of data – reliable method that eliminates the need to grow subcultures, thus saving time and money.
In addition to diagnostic media, HiMedia offers a wide range of ready-to-use biochemical differentiation discs, stains, indicators and reagents for rapid identification and differentiation of microorganisms. These products enable rapid screening of bacteria based on staining properties and biochemical characteristics.
The determination of antibiotic susceptibility (sensitivity) – the measurement of the susceptibility of bacterial or fungal isolates to defined antibiotics/antifungals – is an important technique in most clinical laboratories. The test provides a reliable result for the selection of the most appropriate antimicrobial agent for the treatment of an infectious pathogen.
To be in a position to test a maximum number of antibiotics at once, HiMedia offers organism and application specific antibiotic discs for susceptibility testing. In addition to the common Octo-Discs, Hexa-, Dodeka- and Icosa-Discs are also available. The discs are made of an inert material that improves their absorption and thus enables faster adhesion to the medium. By optimizing the location of the individual antibiotics on the disc surface, the merging of the zones of action (zone of inhibition) is kept as small as possible.
There is also a solution from HiMedia for determining the Minimum Inhibitor Concentration (MIC). The EZY MIC™ Strips allow quantification of antimicrobial sensitivity of a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. The user-friendly system consists of a paper strip with predefined antibiotic gradients. The appropriate EZY MIC™ strip is simply placed on the agar medium inoculated with the test organism and the medium is then incubated under conditions suitable for the test organism.
EZY MIC™ Strip are therefore also recommended for determining the MICs of demanding, slow-growing microorganisms. It offers a high medical value, e.g. for
- Confirmation/detection of a specific resistant phenotype (e.g. ESBL, MBL, VISA/hVISA)
- Selection and dosage of antimicrobial agents
- Detection of low levels of resistance
- Promotion of Antibiotic Stewardship (ABS)
For more information, see our Antimicrobial Susceptibility Systems and EZY MIC™ Strips brochures.
HiVeg™ - 100 % Vegetable Peptones, Hydrolysates and Media
Not only interesting for vegetarians: Reduce your CO2 footprint in times of global warming!
At a time when global warming is having an ever-increasing impact on our planet, everyone must do their bit to actively reduce CO2.
The good news: By changing your traditional media formulations to HiVeg™ products, you can make your work and research more sustainable. HiVeg™ peptones are made from grains and contain no animal ingredients. HiVeg™ products are environmentally friendly, save resources and cost no more than comparable animal alternatives. Detailed information for further reading is provided in the brochureSafety 1st HiVeg™-Peptones.

What exactly are HiVeg™ Peptones?
In general, peptones are mixtures of peptides and amino acids derived from animal or vegetable proteins (usually soya, meat and casein).
The proteins of the starting material are either enzymatically broken down with pepsin (a digestive enzyme) or trypsin (a pancreatic enzyme), or by chemical hydrolysis (with acid) into smaller peptides and amino acids.
HiVeg™ peptones are based on plant proteins and are 100% free of animal components. Nevertheless, HiVeg™ peptones are able to replace all animal-based peptone variants. And that with constant or improved growth performance!
Are there other HiVeg™ Products available?
Yes! Besides peptones there are also hydrolysates, extracts and complete powder media without animal components available.
How are HiVeg™ Peptones produced?
The starting material for HiVeg™ peptones is a selection of plant proteins, which are digested to peptides and amino acids using plant enzymes. The complex thing about it: For each type of animal peptone, a vegetable substitute product has been developed over many years of work, which can hardly be distinguished from the original, both in its composition and in its growth properties.
Why HiVeg™ Peptones?
- Environmentally friendly at the same cost (see graph)
- No BSE/TSE risk
- Better growth and higher yields
- Complete product line available; ideal for production and quality control in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and food industries
- User-friendly: In addition to individual peptones, complete media formulations on a purely vegetable basis are also available!
- Detailed product data available: Application, extraction, chemical analysis and growth tests
Switching from animal-based to purely plant-based media couldn’t be easier!
Discoverour innovative HiVeg™ powder media and request a sample.