neoFroxx is now climate neutral!
neoFroxx is reforesting – by planting trees in Paraguay together with Miller Forest.
The environment and climate protection are very important to us at neoFroxx. We are therefore incredibly pleased to announce that neoFroxx is now climate neutral! Even though we have already made efforts to reduce and save greenhouse gases in every possible area of work, there have still been some CO 2emissions left over. We are now offsetting these remaining emissions together with Miller Forrest and their “green climate” project. Therefore, we reforest fallow pasture land in Paraguay. The trees, which grow quickly in Paraguay’s climate, efficiently bind CO2 and at the same time form the basis for the future renaturation of the former pastureland.
Our CO2emissions currently amount to approx. 430 tonnes of CO2 per year (a safety margin was added here in case it should be more than calculated).
To compensate for these emissions, we need about 880 trees – i.e. about 1 hectare of forest area – which grow for 18 years and bind an average of about 24 t of CO2 annually. Over the lifetime of the trees, they thus bind approx. 432 t of CO2 per hectare.
We have already planted and reforested a total of 15 hectares so that we do not lose any time and can already make our contribution to a climate neutral world for the next 15 years!
Existing rainforest is not damaged by this type of afforestation. Rather, the last remaining rainforest is being actively protected, as the regional demand for timber can be at least partially covered by the reforested fields and the wood grown there. The wood from the areas we manage is primarily intended for the furniture and construction sector in order to take CO2 out of the cycle in the long term.
Was wir anpflanzen
Bepflanzung | Fläche | Pflanzdatum |
Pinus Taeda – Weihrauchkiefer (eng. Loblolly Pine): Herkunft: Südosten der USA, Rohdichte ca. 410 kg/m3 | 4,44 ha | 12.02.2021 |
Eukalyptus Hybrid (Kreuzung) FF-31 aus Eukalyptus Resinifera und Eukalyptus Grandis; Herkunft: Brasilien | 5,73 ha | 05.02.2021 |
Eukalyptus Hybrid VM01 (Kreuzung) aus Eukalyptus Urophylla und Eukalyptus Camaldulensis; Herkunft: Brasilien; Holzdichte ca. 620 kg/m3 | 4,78 ha | 05.02.2021 |

Eucalyptus hybrid of Urophylla and Camaldulensis |
Recorded: Feb. 2022

Pinus Taeda also called “Slash Pine” |
Recorded: Feb. 2022

Eucalyptus Hybrid from Euc. Resinifera and Euc. Grandis |
Recorded: Feb. 2022
Why Paraguay? Why eucalyptus?
With its warm and humid climate, Paraguay is the ideal place to carry out efficient CO2 offsetting. The speed at which the trees in Paraguay grow and bind CO2 cannot be approached in our latitudes. At the same time, the country has extensive fallow land. These areas are disused pastures that are characterised by low biodiversity and highly compacted soils. The fallow land has a swamp-like character due to the high local rainfall and soil conditions, making it almost impossible to establish native tree species. Renaturation in the original sense is therefore not an option for the time being.
Deep-rooted and fast-growing eucalyptus species – which must be seen as critical in the dry regions of the world – are optimal soil preparers here to slowly restore the terrain to its original shape. The eucalyptus trees extract the excess moisture from the soil. Due to the steady rainfall, however, they are not able to dry out the soil excessively, as is the case in regions of the world with low precipitation. The fire risk in Paraguay is also very manageable and appropriate fire safety precautions are of course in place.
You can see what the transformation from fallow pastureland to forest looks like with the following series of pictures.
You have questions about our reforestation project? For all answers, contact Oliver Frasch, our Sustainability Manager.